Club Officers

Club Officers

The BF Avery Collectors and Associates Club’s Board of Directors are elected and are the President, Vice-President, Secretary/Treasurer and Trustees.  Other officers are appointed and include Newsletter Editor, Merchandise Person, Webmaster and Facebook Administrators.

The Board of Directors of the association are elected yearly at the Spring Show/Meeting by those members in attendance and serve staggered terms so that continuity can be maintained for ongoing programs and policies.  These jobs are all non-salaried positions and serve at the discretion of the association members.

PresidentBrian YoungLakeville, OH
Vice-PresidentJames BaltzerClayton, NC
Secretary/TreasurerJohn RileyParma, MI
TrusteeGary DuffMarlette, MI
TrusteeDale AveryDecatur, MI
Newsletter EditorEvelyn AveryDecatur, MI
Merchandise PersonGary DuffMarlette, MI
WebmasterEphraim HerriottSpringfield, WV
FaceBook AdministratorsEphraim Herriott and Brian YoungSpringfield, WV and Lakeville, OH

For club contacts,  CLICK HERE