2017 Winter Meeting Wooster, OH Evelyn AveryCork LemmonGreg Phillips catching a little shuteyeEnjoying the banquetOur hosts, the Young familyMr. & Mrs. Bob HamerMark and Mrs CunninghamDavid BergerCharlene Shellabarger, Karen Herriott, Marilyn Duff and Evelyn Avery enjoying local shoppingThe "Head Table" at the business meeting - Eph Herriott, Brian Young, Gary Duff, Charlene Shellabarger and Dale AveryGary Duff presenting Evelyn a check of appreciation for publishing the newsletterGary Duff giving our meeting host Brian Young an appreciation plaqueRAYCO SignMembers going to the tour of the RAYCO facilityA room in the Ron Grosjean CollectionA room in the Ron Grosjean CollectionA room in the Ron Grosjean Collection