Become a Member of the
BF Avery National Tractor Club Collectors and Associates
Membership benefits include a newsletter that is published six times a year. You may choose to receive the newsletter either by e-mail, a full color PDF document you may view and print yourself, or by USPS (Snail-Mail), a black & white hard copy. The newsletter contains general interest columns, specifications, buy, sell or trade sections, support help requests, and advertisements from our partners. Articles, want ads, etc. may be sent to newsletter editor Evelyn Avery at 44936 CR 352, Decatur, MI 49045 or Additionally, as a member you are entitled to attend the annual Association business meeting and have a vote concerning the management of the Association and election of Officers. As an added benefit you will be able to hang out with a bunch of great folks at the antique tractor shows and be helping to preserve the history and legacy of the BF Avery Tractors and Implements.
So what are you waiting for? Do it today. Print this application, fill it out and send it to us along with your check.
Click here for the Membership Form